• Our activites for the week have been posted to SeeSaw.
  • I added the buttons above to help with easy access to our important stuff.
  • Week 6 has begun - see you on Wednesday @ 9:30 online!

Welcome to MrHanemaayer.com !

Welcome to our new and interesting way of life/school. I hope everyone is staying healthy and active, while keeping families happy and co-operative!

As of April 6th, school work will begin to be posted online for our class to work on from home.

The school board has posted other information as well, so please frequent the www.lkdsb.net site as well.

I will be posting assignments through SeeSaw, allowing students to respond online in a safe/private environment with their teachers and classmates.

Please see the list below for the apps/websites to have available for students learning at home.

I will also post regular updates on this website, so feel free to bookmark the site, or make a daily visit. With families likely trying to connect with each other, some of you may have used apps like Skype, Zoom or Google Meet/Hangouts with family or friends. I will be trying to conduct some "lessons/discussions" beginning next week too. As of today, our school board has chosen Google Meet as the safest choice and you may want to look into how it works for you at home.

If you have not yet contacted me through email, Seesaw or ClassDojo, please do, as I will be calling those of you who have not yet connected with me.

Things to have available at home:

  • ClassDojo
  • SeeSaw Family
  • SeeSaw Class
  • A-Z Kids App.
  • Prodigy Math

I am trying out: SCIENCE A-Z for 14 days. Click here.

- Phys. Ed. days are Day 2 & Day 5. Library books are to be returned on day 3.

Thank-you for visiting. I will be updating this site regularly over the next several weeks. Let's try to stay connected and make the best of our "School at Home" situation. I provided a few math calculation pages in a booklet for everyone before March break, it would be a great idea to work on those too. :)

Here are some sites to start with :

Here's some English links to try out: (added March 25th)

This Math site has quite a few activities and lessons: (added March 25th)

I will be sending out class codes for prodigy math today as an "extra" fun math game for kids to try out at home. (Apr. 2nd)

There is an app, as well as a web link: https://sso.prodigygame.com/game/start

- Keeps track of daily activity/behavior points.

- Keeps track of completed activities, online lessons and individual feedback.

- A link to the school Website for newsletter and school information.

- Latest updates:

School at home starts on March 23, 2020... I will provide as many updates as I can going forward.